Uses of Class

Packages that use UnavailableServiceException

Uses of UnavailableServiceException in com.codemonster.surinam.core.framework

Methods in com.codemonster.surinam.core.framework that throw UnavailableServiceException
 Object ServiceFinderImpl.getService(Class serviceContractClass)
          This is the primary method, by which, a client will acquire a proxy reference that it can use to consume a registered service.
 Object ServiceFinderImpl.getService(Class serviceContractClass, ServiceInvocationRouter invocationRouter)
          This is the primary method, by which, a client will acquire a proxy reference that it can use to consume a registered service.
 Object ServiceFinderImpl.getService(String serviceContractClassName)
          Recognizing the difficulties in making the distinction between identical class objects loaded in conflicting loader contexts, we simply asking for the service based on the fully-qualified string where the internal directory will resolve the FQN to the correct class instance.
 Object ServiceFinderImpl.getService(String serviceContractClassName, ServiceInvocationRouter invocationRouter)
          Recognizing the difficulties in making the distinction between identical class objects loaded in conflicting loader contexts, we simply asking for the service based on the fully-qualified string where the internal directory will resolve the FQN to the correct class instance.
 ManagedService ServiceFinderImpl.getStaticService(Class serviceContractClass)
          Takes a Contract Class object and returns the associated Service.
 ManagedService ServiceFinderImpl.getStaticService(String serviceContractClassName)
          Takes a fully-qualified string name of the Contract Class and returns the associated service object.

Uses of UnavailableServiceException in com.codemonster.surinam.core.framework.impl

Methods in com.codemonster.surinam.core.framework.impl that throw UnavailableServiceException
 ManagedService ServiceDirectoryImpl.getService(Class serviceClass)
 ManagedService ServiceDirectoryImpl.getUnvalidatedService(Class serviceClass)
          This method returns a managed service but does not consider the reference valid for making an invocation on.

Uses of UnavailableServiceException in com.codemonster.surinam.export.core

Methods in com.codemonster.surinam.export.core that throw UnavailableServiceException
 Object ServiceFinder.getService(Class serviceContractClass)
          This is the primary method, by which, a client will acquire a proxy reference that it can use to consume a registered service.
 Object ServiceFinder.getService(Class serviceContractClass, ServiceInvocationRouter invocationRouter)
          This is the primary method, by which, a client will acquire a proxy reference that it can use to consume a registered service.
 Object ServiceFinder.getService(String serviceContractClassName)
          Recognizing the difficulties in making the distinction between identical class objects loaded in conflicting loader contexts, we simply asking for the service based on the fully-qualified string where the internal directory will resolve the FQN to the correct class instance.
 Object ServiceFinder.getService(String serviceContractClassName, ServiceInvocationRouter invocationRouter)
          Recognizing the difficulties in making the distinction between identical class objects loaded in conflicting loader contexts, we simply asking for the service based on the fully-qualified string where the internal directory will resolve the FQN to the correct class instance.
 ManagedService ServiceFinder.getStaticService(Class contractClass)
          Takes a Contract Class object and returns the associated Service.
 ManagedService ServiceFinder.getStaticService(String serviceContractClassName)
          Takes a fully-qualified string name of the Contract Class and returns the associated service object.

Uses of UnavailableServiceException in com.codemonster.surinam.export.framework

Methods in com.codemonster.surinam.export.framework that throw UnavailableServiceException
 ManagedService ServiceDirectory.getService(Class clazz)
          We take the class of the service interface we want to use and we return an implementation of that service interface.
 ManagedService ServiceBlock.getStaticService(Class contractClass)
          Takes a contract class object and returns the associated service object.
 ManagedService ServiceBlock.getStaticService(String className)
          Takes a fully-qualified string name of the contract class and returns the associated service object.

Uses of UnavailableServiceException in com.codemonster.surinam.routing

Methods in com.codemonster.surinam.routing that throw UnavailableServiceException
 Object FullyDynamicCachingInvocationRouterImpl.invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
          This signature is dictated by Java for interception.
 Object FullyDynamicNoCacheInvocationRouterImpl.invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)
          This is a fully-dynamic router.

Constructors in com.codemonster.surinam.routing that throw UnavailableServiceException
FullyDynamicCachingInvocationRouterImpl(ServiceBlock serviceBlock, Class serviceInterface)
          This is a very important constructor since it includes code that performs an initial service lookup which will be a cached reference to the invocation target.
FullyDynamicCachingInvocationRouterImpl(ServiceBlock serviceBlock, String serviceInterfaceName)
FullyDynamicNoCacheInvocationRouterImpl(ServiceBlock serviceBlock, Class serviceInterface)
FullyDynamicNoCacheInvocationRouterImpl(ServiceBlock serviceBlock, String serviceInterfaceName)

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